Our mission is to facilitate better health with marine based solutions. Our vision is to become a global supplier of choice for innovative enzymatic marine protein hydrolyzate solutions.
About us
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
For Zymtech corporate social responsibility (CSR) encompasses the economic, environmental and social aspects of our business and our interactions with our stakeholders. Equal to protecting the health and safety of our employees, we consider environmental stewardship among our most important business responsibilities.
We are pleased that you are interested in our company and the products we provide.
Ordinary fishmeal companies dealing in fish by-products have developed processes to transform fish by-products into feed. Zymtech Production AS, based in the mountains of Norway, has revolutionized this process into a new, patented manufacturing technology and a new level of manufacturing hygiene to create a high value protein hydrolysate for dietary supplement, food, drink and pharma applications.
“The best way to ensure good health is a healthy diet!”
However, despite all the knowledge and possibilities we have today, the subject of health is a matter that is of greater topical interest than ever before.
At the molecular level, a salmon is more than just bones, oil and protein – it is full of high valuable bioactive components which, when isolated in the right way, create a product that is many times more valuable than crude components normally produced.
This is the focus of our company’s activities.
The individual is always at the center of attention!
We thank you for your interest.